Inspire Group Blog - Change management

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Navigating the Winds of Organisational Change: Strategies for Success

Change is inevitable in today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business world. Whether it's a merger,...

Organisational Change: The Complete Guide

"Change is the only constant in life." Heraclitus, Greek philosopher. Recently, we surveyed over...

Change Management: 3 Rules for Business Leaders

Think back to when you were little. Now try to imagine your whānau unexpectedly moving house,...

10 ways to be a better learning consultant

Ever wish that you could just get some clear and easy steps on how to take your consulting to the...

Leading through change management

Change is all around us, it’s everywhere we go! I’m sure that’s a lyric from a song… Change in the...

Leadership and wellbeing, the most important things in the world?

Leadership and wellbeing, the most important things in the world? That’s a bold statement. It is....

The top 6 tips for embedding learning in your organisation

Gone are the days where you have to own a full set of encyclopedia and put aside a couple of hours...

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