The Big, Messy Gigs

Large-scale transformation programmes (we call these ones the “Big, Messy Gigs”) are critical to organisations thriving in changing environments.

We call them the Big, Messy Gigs because there's often a lot of moving parts, a ton of stakeholders, and a lot of things that need to be considered.



Five Key Principles for Success

Crucial to these programmes are the shift for people to new ways of thinking and behaving.

Over the last 20 years, across multiple programmes, Inspire Group has honed five key principles to determine where to focus to most effectively engage and upskill your people to embrace the change and deliver the benefits to your organisation. 







Start With Relationships Not Risks

This focus enhances trust, communication and provides for more collaborative problem solving. Trust lowers transaction cost.



Define The Why

Large programmes of scale require a cohesive change story that defines the Why. When you’re clear on the Why, the What and How will follow. A well-defined purpose drives alignment and motivation across all levels of the organisation.







Agile Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement must be agile and adaptive. Get curious about your stakeholders, the specific insights they may have, the questions you need to ask, how to best engage, and what assumptions and thinking you need to test.



Learning Solution Architecture

Effective programmes progress the learner from awareness to application and reflection. This progression is enabled by a deliberate focus on Leadership, Communications, Learning, and Support, with all activities and learning artefacts mapped and sequenced to these elements.







Impact-Focused Budgeting

Don’t let someone else’s business model drive your solution. Ensure that effort and budget are focused on what will make the most impact. Tailor your strategies to the unique needs and goals of your programme for maximum effectiveness.

Partner with us

Big messy gig on the horizon? Why not have a chat with one of our Learning Partners to see if we can ease the stress!

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What some of our customers are saying:

“Inspire Group went above and beyond for us in so many ways. I've really enjoyed working with the Inspire Group team, they’re super impressive, structured and organised, and they’ve shown a real passion for this project. I would absolutely recommend them to anyone who asks.”

Michael —  Power, Learning Business Partner, Watercare


Inspire Group made it very easy to make hard decisions about what we included and what we didn’t because they understood what we were trying to do.”

Matt While — Learning Partner, Australia Post

AusPost Red Logo


We’d love to know how we can help you.

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Going through a bit of change?

Check out our complete guide to organisational change to get the scoop on navigating change... 

The 'phone a friend' edition, if you will.

Check it out