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Established in 1998, Monash University Malaysia is the third-largest campus of Australia's largest university and the first foreign university campus in Malaysia. They are a premier research-intensive Australian university, ranked among the top 100 in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight (Go8)


In order to keep up the world-class standard in real terms, Monash University Malaysia wanted to put in a series of reforms, a major part of which was leadership skills at all levels. They wanted to make significant changes, especially to enable leaders to lead the reforms and work collaboratively with their teams to achieve and sustain the desired outcomes.


Monash University Malaysia partnered with Inspire Group to co-create a leadership programme that focused on change processes and creating mindset changes in their  leaders.

Inspire Group created the programme architecture, three workshops that included virtual sessions, one-on-one coaching, leader guides, and mobile learning.


Monash University Malaysia have been delighted with the way leaders are interacting with each other and how they now communicate authentically with each other.​

The sense of 'artificial harmony' (coined by one of the participant's during the co-design) was no longer there in the way the leaders talked to each other.​

Monash University Malaysia management acknowledge that this is a journey and starting with a positive step is helping them roll out their reforms more easily.

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