Developing Emerging Leaders
St John needed to help their youth leaders unlock their leadership style to keep them relevant as an organisation.
"It was really good to be able to step into a leadership role, to bring new ideas and to have the skills to have that kind of impact. It's been really cool"
Create a learning solution that would help St John youth leaders:
Prior to undertaking any work, Inspire Group facilitated a co-design session with St John to get clear on what their expectations of the learning would be e.g. what they wanted their youth leaders to know, do and be after the learning.
From this thorough briefing with St John, Inspire Group designed the solution 'Be the Leader You Are', a one-day, facilitated, leadership-development workshop for a diverse audience with varied needs.
This workshop included a blend of facilitator-led, open group discussions, self-directed learning and reflection.
The immediate response after the workshop was extremely positive, with youth leaders feeling confident and excited about applying their new skills. Since completion of the workshops, many attendees have stepped up into leadership roles and have put their learnings into practice.
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