Job skills are changing

In 2024 the World Economic Forum predicted that 44% of worker’s core skills will change by 2027. So how do you go about future-proofing your workforce for this uncertain future?

The sheer number of skills to choose from can be overwhelming as to what to focus on, let alone how you are going to learn these skills. At Inspire Group we gravitate toward Critical Thinking, Creativity and Curiosity.

Why the Three C's?

We like Critical Thinking, Creativity and Curiosity because these three skills are transferable across all roles.

We view them as core skills for whatever future we are likely to face. And, we believe they should be created, curated and cultivated as part of any future learning experience.

These skills are inherently human and cannot be easily automated. They represent the unique contributions that your people bring to the workplace

Not to mention they all start with C, and there’s only three of them, so they're extra sticky to remember!



2_Critical Thinking


Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information.

It’s a vital skill that enhances your ability to navigate complex issues, make rational choices, and engage in meaningful conversation.

A well cultivated critical thinker:

  • raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely;
  • gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively and comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards;
  • thinks open-mindedly within alternative systems of thought, recognising and assessing, as need be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences; and
  • communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems.



Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It’s our birthright. And its for all of us.

To create is to bring something into existence that wasn’t there before. It could be a conversation, the solution to a problem, a note to a friend, the rearrangement of furniture in a room, a new route home to avoid a traffic jam.

Through the ordinary state of being, we’re already creators in the most profound way, creating our experience of reality and composing the world we perceive. Regardless of whether or not we’re formally making art, we are all living as artists.

We perceive, filter and collect data, then curate an experience for ourselves and others based on this information set. Whether we do this consciously or unconsciously, by the mere fact of being alive, we are active participants in the ongoing process of creation.

Words by Rick Rubin.




Curiosity is the desire to learn, understand, and explore new things.

It involves asking questions, seeking out new experiences, and being open to discovering more about the world around you. You don’t teach curiosity – you cultivate it. You provide strategies that foster curiosity in the learner.

Strategies such as:

  • Asking a thought-provoking question or surprising statement up front.
  • In facilitated sessions creating an atmosphere of questions – using polls to generate discussion.
  • Introducing one or more of the following to arouse curiosity:
    • Contradictions
    • Novelty
    • Surprise
    • Complexity
    • Uncertainty.
  • Providing choices and autonomy.
  • Allowing for gaps and space in your design.

Partner with us

Equip your team with the skills they need to thrive in tomorrow's workplace. Whether you're looking to enhance creativity, foster critical thinking, or cultivate curiosity, we can help!

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What some of our customers are saying:

“Inspire Group were collaborative, supportive, responsive, and took time to understand us as an organisation, as well as individuals.”

Catherine Taylor - HR Manager, Atlas Copco Malaysia and Singapore


“Inspire Group went above and beyond for us in so many ways. I've really enjoyed working with the Inspire Group team, they’re super impressive, structured and organised, and they’ve shown a real passion for this project. I would absolutely recommend them to anyone who asks.”

Michael —  Power, Learning Business Partner, Watercare


Inspire Group made it very easy to make hard decisions about what we included and what we didn’t because they understood what we were trying to do.”

Matt While — Learning Partner, Australia Post

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