Chameleon Banner

We build modules with a variety of authoring tools. Years ago, we tried to find a fully responsive tool so we could create beautiful online learning that could be viewed on any device. When we couldn't find something that met our standards, we developed our own. 

Chameleon Creator was born, and has since flown the Inspire Group nest to stand on its own legs. We will always be proud of our lizard baby, and it is still our tool of choice.

Visit the Chameleon Creator website for more info, demos and pricing.

Go to Chameleon Creator Website

How we use Chameleon

10 ways to be a better Learning Consultant

Want advice on how to take your consulting to the next level? Experience our free module to see 10 ways you can lift your game.
Blast off

Resilience? We've got you 'Covid' 

Resilience is our ability to cope and adapt. This module has tips on creating good habits that build resilience. 

Breathe in

What's your L&D game plan?

Check our free tools to see how your learning and development strategy stacks up against the eight main areas that influence L&D.  

Let's play

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